

Þorlákshöfn needs you!

What would you do if you had a perfect point break in your backyard? Create a landfill so you can store containers on it,...

Havet kallar – vad svarar du?

Vågrörelsen presents: "Havet kallar - vad svarar du?" Come and listen to Michael Palmgren, Director of Naturum Öresund and Marint kunskapscenter, as he talks about...

NSM nr.35

Hot damn, another issue!!! Issue Nr.35 is Nordic Surfers Magazine at its very best. ORDER NOW HERE to ensure delivery before Christmas. - SO...

’Why is quality an environmental issue?’ hosted by Patagonia in Stockholm

"Quality products are simple, multifunctional, and socially and environmentally responsible. They also last a long time. And the longer they’re around, the more stories...

A letter from Antarctica

"This is a modest attempt to share with you what we experienced while searching for surf in the mysterious continent that is Antarctica. Assembling...

NSM nr.34

It’s been a hot minute or decade… but Nordic Surfers Magazine is back! After a break of a year or so we're launching NSM nr.34...

Protect the ocean so it can protect us.

PATAGONIA LAUNCHES GLOBAL CAMPAIGN TO PROTECT THE OCEAN, SO IT CAN PROTECT US "European call for governments to end bottom trawling, starting with an immediate...

The truth about Neoprene and the toxic nature of wetsuits

The Big Sea is a feature documentary by lifelong surfers and journalists Lewis Arnold and Chris Nelson. Filmed over three years in Louisiana, California, UK,...


Full film online! Jérôme Junqua is a surfer and, for several years, he has been involved in the protection of dolphins. Every year, 10,000 of...

The Big Sea

Surfing is killing it.This $10 billion global industry – built on the dream of carefree spirits, crystal clear waters and an even clearer connection...