”Quality products are simple, multifunctional, and socially and environmentally responsible. They also last a long time. And the longer they’re around, the more stories they’ll see, creating deeper connections between a product and its owner. But crucially, durable things mean we don’t need to make as many of them-using fewer resources, creating less waste, and causing less harm to the planet.
We’re coming to Stockholm in November to unpick the issue of quality and its role in protecting the environment. Whether it’s thinking twice before we buy, or taking the time to repair what’s broken, we’ll dig into the benefits of a quality revival for both people and planet. With expert talks, film screenings, and a thrift shop in aid of nonprofits, join us for two days of building better relationships with the things we own.”
November 14
Why is quality an environmental issue?
Bio Rio Södermalm
Hornstulls strand 3
”A healthy planet (and economy) needs a better model than buying and selling more and more things people don’t need. But can less truly mean more? We’re coming to Stockholm to unpick the issue of quality and its role in protecting the environment. With help from environmentalists, scientists, psychologists and product experts, we’ll come together for an evening of discussions and film screenings to unpick the issue of quality—exploring humanity’s destructive addiction to cheap crap and how we might begin to save ourselves from… ourselves.”
Can’t make it to the events? Live streaming sessions from Stockholm will be available so you can take part online.
Also on November 16
Worn Wear Thrift Shop
Sankt Paulsgatan 22A 10.00-18.00
”A one-day pop-up store in Stockholm to give pre-loved gear a second life—selling used, repaired, and one-of-a-kind Patagonia pieces ready for their next adventure. We’ll be operating on a one item per person, first-come, first-served basis, and all proceeds from the day will go to local non-profit organisations.” RSVP HERE
Save the dates!!!

…and on this topic we warmly recommend you to watch the excellent movie by – award-winning documentary filmmaker – David Byars ’The Shitthropocene’