
Havet kallar – vad svarar du?

Vågrörelsen presents: ”Havet kallar – vad svarar du?”

Come and listen to Michael Palmgren, Director of Naturum Öresund and Marint kunskapscenter, as he talks about the health of the ocean along Skåne’s coast and teaches us about Ocean Literacy.

The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with ocean lovers who share their stories about how they combine their passion for surfing and watersports with the fight to protect our oceans. Participants in the panel discussion include Michael Palmgren (Naturum Öresund/Marint kunskapscenter), Christian Dittrich (entrepreneur and founder of SurfEars), Malin Sjöstedt (surfer and artist), and Malin Franzén (surfer and ocean enthusiast). The discussion will be moderated by sustainability expert Marcus Ljungqvist.

The evening begins and ends with an exhibition of art by surfers/artists Malin Sjöstedt, C.F. Dahl, and Greger Bojeby. 

Nordic Surfers Magazine will give out free copies of #34 AND #35 of the magazine.

And of course, good vibes all around. Welcome!

The event is free, but tickets are required as space is limited.

The event is in Swedish. 

Date: 2025-02-07, 18:00-23:00

Venue: STPLN Malmö, Malmöhusvägen 5


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